Monday, February 23, 2009





they might be related.
(Corban at 8 weeks, Cate at 4)


first smiles :)
(3 weeks 4 days old)

my beautiful flowers Jordan had delivered to my parents house for Valentine's Day (he was gone for the weekend)... sitting on my new kitchen table! (Thank you, Target clearance.. original price $300, paid $75!)

Happy Monday!!

Edited to add: I do still love my son. It's just so hard to get a picture of him, since he's so busy. He had his 18 mo. check up today (at 19 months), and he's in the 50th% all the way across the board (25lbs 5 oz, 32.5 in). He also got his Hep A and Tetanus booster, and he's wiped out right now. Better take advantage of that and get some cleaning done!


  1. Great pictures! They do look a lot alike!

  2. love the comment about corban at the funny, because I have felt the same way about hosanna vs. zui...ha ha. :-)

  3. Ok, oh my gosh SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! I mean it! Those eyes, those cheeks! I could eat her right up. *swoon*
    And I cannot believe how much the two of them look alike in that one picture. Crazy! Looks like you're going to have two knock-outs on your hands in a few years! :)

    p.s. that outfit on Corban when he was itty-bitty... we have that one too. ;) tee hee. seems like they have the exact same wardrobe. (you must shop at the outlets too.)


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