Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Said by a stranger, regarding my little brother:
"What I have seen from this amazing young man is how he has drawn people together for a purpose. He has brought love and copassion.. he has touched many hearts and brought many to prayer..."

These words touched my heart in a way words cannot express. An answer to prayer that no one knew I was praying. A greater good in the midst of a suck-fest.
Oh, my heart is breaking.
I'd give anything to take it all away.
But this, these words, seeing from the outside the changes in peoples lives... it makes the load a little lighter... for the moment anyway.
We covet your prayers like never before, and we're clinging to Jesus like never before.
Love to all-


  1. That is incredible that someone said that about your brother! Praying for your family.


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