- I have too much to do to be blogging right now... yet, here I am.
- It's rained at least 673 straight days.
- That last bullet may be an exaggeration. But I sure am missing sunshine.
- I have mastered my homemade carmel macchiato. And it is good.... Only further enforcing my latte addiction.
- Easter weekend was jam packed and included two trips to our hometown, riding to prom in a limo, three church services, two easter egg hunts, and a tremendous appreciation for a Savior who died and rose and gives me life abundant.
- I woke Cate up at 10:15 this morning. That's incredible, in case you were wondering.
- I'm slowly-but-surely trying to convince the aforementioned little girl that at 2.5 years old, it's time to kick the paci habit. She's not buying it.
- I'm working on lots of little changes round these parts- starting tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. with a get-in-the-Word-and-pray date with my husband. Have I ever mentioned that I like to sleep? and I don't like 6 a.m.? It'll be good though. I am excited about it.
- We got a new, second double jogging stroller! We initiated it last week with a 16 minute (slow) run on the track. I LOVE that my husband will run with me...and I hate being so out of shape. :)
- Corban serenaded me this morning, singing "Happy Birthday" while holding a yellow sand bucket filled with grapes he picked off their vine, and a giant pretzel rod sticking out of it for the candle. It's not my birthday, but I loved it anyway.
- We bust out of this house and played in the downpour in our front yard for an hour this morning. Nothing better than those giggles erupting from my kiddos...
- Jordan was home for lunch and made homemade pizza covered with peppers and onions and mozzarella. Delish!
- I'm reading One Thousand Gifts. It's a life-changing read.
- My baby is approaching four months old. Someone- please! slow down the time:
I must actually accomplish things now... back to work (studying for tonight, editing, cleaning) I go!!
Happy rainy Monday!