Monday, April 25, 2011


  • I have too much to do to be blogging right now... yet, here I am.
  • It's rained at least 673 straight days.
  • That last bullet may be an exaggeration. But I sure am missing sunshine.
  • I have mastered my homemade carmel macchiato. And it is good.... Only further enforcing my latte addiction.
  • Easter weekend was jam packed and included two trips to our hometown, riding to prom in a limo, three church services, two easter egg hunts, and a tremendous appreciation for a Savior who died and rose and gives me life abundant.
(In case you're wondering about the 'sling'--- Cate's Uncle Isaac broke his wrist last week and is in a sling. Cate fell and scraped her elbow, and wore hers for the next two hours, refusing to take it off. ha!)

  • I woke Cate up at 10:15 this morning. That's incredible, in case you were wondering.
  • I'm slowly-but-surely trying to convince the aforementioned little girl that at 2.5 years old, it's time to kick the paci habit. She's not buying it.
  • I'm working on lots of little changes round these parts- starting tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. with a get-in-the-Word-and-pray date with my husband. Have I ever mentioned that I like to sleep? and I don't like 6 a.m.? It'll be good though. I am excited about it.
  • We got a new, second double jogging stroller! We initiated it last week with a 16 minute (slow) run on the track. I LOVE that my husband will run with me...and I hate being so out of shape. :)
  •  Corban serenaded me this morning, singing "Happy Birthday" while holding a yellow sand bucket filled with grapes he picked off their vine, and a giant pretzel rod sticking out of it for the candle. It's not my birthday, but I loved it anyway.
  • We bust out of this house and played in the downpour in our front yard for an hour this morning. Nothing better than those giggles erupting from my kiddos...
  • Jordan was home for lunch and made homemade pizza covered with peppers and onions and mozzarella. Delish!
  • I'm reading One Thousand Gifts. It's a life-changing read.
  • My baby is approaching four months old. Someone- please! slow down the time:

I must actually accomplish things now... back to work (studying for tonight, editing, cleaning) I go!!
Happy rainy Monday!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

real quick

It's been two whole weeks since I last blogged.
This seems to fall by the wayside with the arrival of sunshine.
It's been amazing outside this week. I could do all year of days like today- not quite 70, bluest blue sky. We spent hours at the park this morning and it was wonderful. Perfect. The fresh air wiped all three out and my house is silent-- messy, but silent. I like the quiet of naptime. I like the rustle of wake-time, too, but these two hours of quiet make way for refreshing...especially when the windows are open and the cool breeze is blowing the curtains. Perfect.
I don't really have anything to say right now - I've got a to-do list way too long to actually sit and write right now, but I want to post something on this long-neglected blog of mine. So, here I am, telling you that we're busy playing outside and having people over and making our house a home. And when I'm not doing those things, I'm probably taking pictures or editing the pictures taken. Things are busy for kristenmcg photography right now- and it's wonderful. Still learning balance, a schedule, etc., but I enjoy doing it unlike anything I've ever done.
On that note... better go clean my kitchen. I'm behind on all areas housework related, and this next week is crazy busy with photo sessions- I've GOT to learn how to better manage my time (and to suck it up and do what I don't want to when it needs done, not when the mood strikes... ). Hopefully I will be back in the near future with updates!