Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30 days of thankful- Day 1

With November kicking off the holiday season and Thanksgiving being only a few weeks away, I thought I'd follow suit with numerous other bloggers and do '30 days of thankful'. I never commit to things like this, where I have to blog every day or so many times because consistency in blogging is not my strong suit- my schedule is chaotic and unpredictable... but nothing says I have to post a thousand words per thankful or anything like that- so I can do this! :)
Today was one of those days where it would've benefited me about 12 hours ago to write a post like this. Disobedience was the attitude of choice in this house and frustration was the result. 6 p.m. couldn't come fast enough and tension was high. But as the evening went on and Daddy got home and lightened the mood, as we laughed and played as a family, as we put the kids to bed and snuggled and prayed, my heart was again overwhelmed by the gifts that we've been given in Corban and Cate.

I know this is an obvious thing to be thankful for. I know I say it every other post... but I am so unbelievably thankful to be Mama to these kiddos. They're amazing... their little minds, their unique personalities, sense of humor, strong wills... how different and how similar they are to each other... I am so glad that these babies are ours, that God created these two exactly as he did, that He's entrusted them to us to nurture and raise.
 So, so, so thankful.
and on a little less serious note- I'm really thankful for the free pumpkin spice latte given to me about an hour ago by our housemate- as I've got hours of editing ahead of me. And I'm thankful that I fixed my photoshop problems that occurred ALL afternoon preventing me from doing the massive amounts of editing that I needed to be working on. AND... I'm really thankful that my husband is currently (at 9:30 pm, mind you) changing the break pads in our van.That's all for now.
I'll be back tomorrow. Hold me to it!


  1. I'm going to hold you to it. :)
    Great idea. I'm stealing it. heehee.

  2. Such sweet, perfect photos! You have talent girl!

    and those Target maternity shirts, I adore em' too both the fit and the price. I think I'll live in them until baby girl is born.


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