Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I've started this post a hundred times over, only to erase and restart. None of the words coming are what I really want to say... Eight and a half months out, there are days when the grief still weighs so heavily... but I don't want to go there right now, I don't. So instead, I thought I'd focus on a few of the many things about today that I have to be thankful for:
-a coffee date (at my favorite establishment, nonetheless!) with a dear friend and only her baby girl and my baby girl. a friend that I can confide in, share my heart with.
-Vacation Bible School. Not to sound like an unloving Mama... but having time with just Caters from 9-12 everyday has been really refreshing.
-Talking to Corban about his memory verse from today, "I am wonderfully made" (from psalm 139). I asked why he was wonderfully made and he said it was because God made him. He giggled as he repeated the verse back to me... Moments I wish I could bottle up and keep.
-Corban pretending to be Daddy, telling me about riding his mountain bike at camp at work.
-A husband who cooked dinner and finally turned on the air condition.
-kicking Jordan's rear in Dutch Blitz. If you don't play this game, you should. It's a vonderful goot time!
-the sun still shining as it set, even though it was pouring down rain (and even though I still didn't see a rainbow).
-Psalm 139 (go read it! outloud! it's powerful!)
 - these lyrics: In sun and rain, joy and pain, You're the same. You never let go.
and the truth behind them.
-Air condition. Oh wait, did I mention that already?

Okay, Jordan's done climbing, and truthfully- I feel better.
Happy Tuesday!


  1. that sweet boy of yours always makes me smile, whether it's in person or from stories. or maybe it's just the beautiful way that you tell them. :)

  2. I love Corban and the cute things he does! GORGEOUS picture! I am so excited to work on your photog blog!

  3. Those are awesome things to be thankful about! YAhoo! Beautiful picture!

  4. Memory verse! I will have to file that in my "Things to do when I'm a Mom" file.
    I think healthy competition in a marriage is a good thing---as long as I win! ;)
    I also love those lyrics
    Good friends are invaluable. I'm glad you have good ones!

  5. ha ha. you said vonderful goot time! funny girl. :) I LOVEEEE dutch blitz but sadly haven't been able to find it anywhere in my area.


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